You may have noticed that I've been posting less often these past couple weeks. So, what's been keeping me busy recently?
1. Party planning! I threw a surprise party for Jason's 24th birthday this past Saturday night. It was so much fun! I told him that we were completely out of toilet paper and asked him to run to the store to pick some up. While he was gone, a bunch of our friends assembled in our condo and when he returned, we jumped out and yelled "Surprise!" My sister helped me prepare a spread of delicious food: crackers, cheese, blue corn chips & pita chips, salsa, guacamole, white cheddar queso, crab & artichoke dip, hummus, bacon-wrapped shrimp, spicy garlic chicken wings, caprese salad (pictured above), salami, soppressata, and prosciuto, plus a chocolate espresso truffle ice cream cake from Maggie Moo's (also pictured above). It was pretty darn awesome, if I say so myself!
2. Getting the condo ready for company. These past couple weeks, we've been working almost non-stop on getting the place unpacked and spiffed up. In addition to the party this past weekend, we'll be hosting my sister, parents (and dog, Kiwi!) next weekend. There are a couple minor items remaining on the to-do list, but it's looking really good!
3. Wedding planning. We've checked out a few venues, and I think we've chosen a winner! I don't want to say anything yet, but I will share details soon.
4. Running. Jason and I have been running almost every day. I can feel my endurance improving, which is an awesome feeling. We are discovering all kinds of routes near our new place. Since we began running more regularly, I've noticed that I'm sleeping better and just generally feeling better. I hope to be able to start running longer distances and possibly train for a half-marathon sometime in the near future.
5. Mad Men. Yes, I have jumped on the Mad Men bandwagon and it's so very addictive. We started watching the first season, and now we can't stop. In addition to the intriguing story lines, I am loving the retro aesthetics and 1960's kitsch. Do any of you watch?
Well, that's all I've got for now. What's been keeping you busy lately?
Photos by my sister, Ilse.
Sounds like you have been busy. Congrats on throwing an awesome surprise party :)
You have been a very busy lady! :) That's awesome that you threw Jason a party!!
busy little bee :) we've missed you but it sounds like you've been having a great time!
What a lovely sounding party. It sounds like you've been very busy! And a venue already, wow you're organised!
What's been keeping me busy - my half marathon! It's so funny how something like that takes over your life! The race is on Sunday and, ironically, I feel like I'm getting married or something!!
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