Today, I'm feeling really inspired by one of my favorite bloggers, the lovely Lexi of Ellecubed and her delightful Happy List. (By the way, do you all know Lexi? If not, please stop by her blog and say hello. She is such a sweetheart and a fabulous source of inspiration.) Just reading her list brought such a smile to my face, so I decided to start off this week with my own gratitude infusion. Here are the things that are making me happy right now:
- No work today! Due to this past weekend's snowpocalypse, most of the DC area is still shut down. I love my job, but it's always nice to have an unexpected day off, isn't it? I plan to use today to do a bit of organizing around the house, get in an extra-long gym workout, browse at Anthropologie, and see Avatar in 3D.
- Losing nearly 15 pounds since the holidays and, more importantly, feeling really great. As I've mentioned a couple times, I've recently made some serious changes to the way I eat and I'm amazed by how dramatically my body has reacted. When I wake up in the morning, instead of feeling tired and foggy, I'm energized and clear-headed. I've been getting compliments on how shiny and healthy my hair looks, and my skin has never been happier. Working out feels easier. I'm wearing my skinny jeans with ease. And I swear, I have been laughing more. It's like my body is giddy. Oddly enough, the hardest part about this whole thing has been admitting that I really want it. Acknowledging that yes, my health and well-being really are that important to me. Putting it on my Mondo Beyondo list and saying it out loud. Once I was able to get to that point, taking steps to implement a healthier lifestyle felt like the only logical way to proceed.
- Other stuff making me happy: Having a super clean house (we did a major cleaning this weekend), pouring over recipes in The Kind Diet and Super Natural Cooking, doing Google image searches of the beautiful places we'll be visiting in Italy, miso soup for breakfast, signing up to run a local 5K later this spring, submitting my volunteer application to the animal shelter, finally springing for a subscription to Body & Soul, doing yoga almost every day, this dress (wouldn't it be lovely for a rehearsal dinner?), fiancé digging our car out from under the snow yesterday and generally being a super rad and helpful kind of guy, home-cooked meals with friends, watching Biggest Loser on my iPod while I work out (super motivating), receiving our wedding invitations from evapaul (love, love, love), anticipating my mom's visit a couple weeks from now (so that we can do wedding-related stuff together! yippee!), finding kindred spirits via blogs, ordering The Happiness Project and Babycakes (vegan, gluten-free and sugar-free baked goods recipes!), drinking lots of tea, watching the neighborhood dogs frolicking in the snow, Epsom salt baths, feeling super sore from working out (but in a good way), this list (brilliant), vegetarian chili in the slow cooker, getting closer to discovering my Style Statement (stole that one from Ellecubed, but it's true), and making progress on some Mondo Beyondo dreams!
What's making you happy right now? If you post your own list in your blog, please share a link below - I'd love to read it!
Image via Anthropologie.
I have Super Natural Cooking sitting right next to me...was going to try that Otsu that you suggested. that makes me happy. the peppermint candle i have burning right now makes me insanely happy! listening to chill tunes on pandora, working on today's blog post and adding a bit to my visionboard...all making me smile. and thank YOU bc your post inspired me to go for my walk today which i was going to skip bc it is a little chilly out...not going to skip it now. and always...Anthrpologie makes me oh so happy!! have a great week xoxo
and i forgot...i am halfway through The Happiness Project...you will like it.
i can't wait to check out "the happy list" !! yoga, vday cookies and blogging make me happy today.
have a good monday!
Thank you so much for your kind mention of me. It made my heart swell with joy.
I absolutely love your happy list. It is filled with so many good things. How is Babycakes? I have been thinking of picking it up for awhile but the reviews of it seemed to be quite mixed.
I hope you are having a lovely Monday that is full of happiness.
I love this list! :) Love it! Hope you've enjoyed your snow day! :)
and, girly, did you HAVE 15 lbs to lose?!?! You are a twig!!
Green Chic, good for you for going for a walk! I'm glad I inspired you! :-)
Ellecubed, I haven't actually read Babycakes yet because I just ordered it from Amazon. I'll let you know what I think once I start reading it. I, too, have heard mixed reviews but I'm such a sucker for pretty packaging that I couldn't resist.
Rachel, I think you're my new best friend - seriously, you are TOO kind. I'm definitely more of a curvy/athletic body type than a twig. I carry it pretty well because I'm muscular and have a small waist, but I definitely had 15 pounds (and about 5 more) to spare.
Having a couple hours all to myself is making me really happy right now! :) Also all the things I'm filling my time with - tea, blogs, and Regina Spektor! Happy Happy!
oh my, i love your list and your life and your big heart for your world. you are so POSITIVE & bright! the world totally needs you!
can you dish on your health motivations...or shall i say, will you? i LOVE that kind of stuff!
xo Stephanie
thanks for introducing me to jen's blog. you're were right. i did love it! glad i'm following the both of you now. :)
what makes me happy: reading your blog, puppies at my feet (luna and rocky), all embracing hugs from toddo, warm brownies, friends to remind me to smile, doing well on my anatomy test after working hard for it, BIKRAM (yeah yoga!), seeing other people smile, a friend like you!
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