Where has this summer gone? I know it's cliche to say, but it truly has flown by. Particularly these past few weeks!
As much as I love summer (and especially this summer - our first in Annapolis!), I must admit that I'm pretty excited for fall. Fall has always been my favorite season. As the days start getting a bit shorter, my thoughts are turning to all the delicious things the season will bring: the beautiful changing colors of the leaves; cool, crisp air (such a relief after a steamy Mid-Atlantic summer!); cute scarves, boots, and hats; apple cider; football season (I've never been a serious football fan, but I think Jason's love of the Redskins is rubbing off on me); sipping tea on the deck in a big comfy sweater and warm slippers; my birthday (the big 2-5!); pumpkin pie; Halloween (maybe we'll even get some trick or treat-ers!). I'm also looking forward to taking a couple trips to Chicago to shop for a wedding dress with my Mom!
Alas, summer seems like it's here to stay for awhile, at least temperature-wise, so I'm trying to concentrate on the here and now. Now that things have finally calmed down a bit since the move (or, as much as things can calm down while one is planning a wedding), I'm focusing on taking care of myself. I've been running a pretty decent amount, doing yoga at home, and when the new gym opens in September, I plan to add weight-lifting and spinning classes to that regimen (not to mention regular sauna-ing and whirlpool-ing...ha). I'm drinking lots and lots of water and tea (it's amazing how something as basic as hydration takes a backseat when life gets crazy), and enjoying shopping for healthy foods, especially now that I've got a Whole Foods nearby. I'm also trying to take better care of my skin. For a time in my life, I was totally guilty of the whole falling-asleep-with-makeup-on routine and generally not taking great care of my skin, but I've since reformed my ways, and with the wedding in ten months, I'm extra motivated to get my skin in tip-top shape. I recently started using Philosophy's The Microdelivery Peel, and, at the risk of sounding like an informercial, I'm already seeing serious results. I highly recommend it.
Oh, I almost forgot, I'm going to see Julie and Julia tonight - finally! I can't wait. I've been dying to see it for weeks and haven't had the time, though I suspect it will instill in me a strong urge to run out and buy a copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking (MtAoFC) and start working my way through it. I'll keep you posted on that one. By the way, have you checked out the actual Julie/Julia Project blog (the blog Julie Powell kept while cooking her way through MtAoFC)? I love how she wrote, in 2004, "If, when my book is published, I sell twenty-five copies, I will count myself lucky..."
Well, that's about it for me right now. What have you lovelies been up to? Are you looking forward to fall or hanging onto summer?
Photo by Flickr user Denis Collette.
I am really, really looking forward to fall. It's my last difficult semester (I hope!) of school, since I will be taking one less class in the Spring. I can't wait for cool air, sweatshirts, pumpkins, apple cider, holidays, etc. I'm also looking forward to the promise of a new year!
I too can't WAIT for Fall. This summer heat kills moi. On a brighter note, you will LOVE Julie & Julia and yes, you will want to rush out and buy the book! I want to buy it now, too... Wish I could get my hands on an old copy, but a gorgeous (and cheap) one from Amazon will do. :)
i too love fall. it's my favorite time of year too. when is your birthday btw? mine is oct 15th (the big 3-1 ugh lol) curious to hear your thoughts about julie/julia.
the summer has flown by! but you've had a whilrwind of a summer, girly!
The summer has flown, I agree! I would like summer to hang around for just a bit longer, but already the nights are getting cooler and it's getting dark earlier, and I see yellow leaves starting to clutter up the streets when I go running.....
I read Julie and Julia years ago, and thought it was great. Movie isn't out here in the UK yet, and I'll be curious to hear your thoughts!
Melita, my birthday's October 7. Yay for October birthdays! Do you have any plans to celebrate yet?
yes, yay for october birthdays & yay for libras :) i don't have any b-day plans as of yet since i'll be in school, but i'll figure something out :) what about you, any plans?
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