Snow day
I snapped this photo while the snow was coming down hard yesterday. Jason and I stayed inside and curled up on the couch in front of the fireplace with our respective books, then cooked a simple and delicious dinner. It felt so nice and cozy to be in our home together, watching the snow falling outside. The first snow of the year is always exciting, isn't it? If you got snow this weekend, how did you spend your snow day(s)?
That's a lovely photo. No snow where I am. The first snow is always so pretty, though.
Great photo! I love how it's sort of muted and blurry.
Gorgeous photo! And the weekend sounds like it was perfect.
I love snow until I have to walk/drive in it, walking in it yesterday was miserable! It does look nice from inside, though.
How beautiful! It doesn't EVER snow in Sacramento, CA...but I think we might get a few inches tomorrow morning!
I'm starting to get jealous...I'm in the middle of Chicago and not a flake.
love the photo! we got some snow this weekend. i enjoyed my weekend snuggled up inside with ryan & the pets & enjoying the first downtime i've had in a long time. :)
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