
Reverb 10: One Word

December 1 Prompt: One Word.
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?

2010 was, by any measure, a big year for me.  In the span of 12 months, I got married, took a dream trip to Italy with my new husband, got real about my health habits and lost 40+ pounds, unearthed my calling to help others reach their health goals, quit my job, enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to begin training as a holistic health coach, and achieved a life-long goal of welcoming a beautiful little rescue pup into my life.  When I reflect back on this whirlwind of transitions, several words come to mind, but the loudest drumbeat is one of discovery.

In 2010, I discovered.

The generosity of friends and families who helped to plan a magical wedding day.  The bliss of marriage.  That you keep falling in love, in different ways, even after you say "I do."  A country beautiful beyond description.  That I wasn't being honest with myself about my health.  The self-awareness I needed to make big changes to my lifestyle.  A reserve of dedication and courage that I didn't know possessed, and that enabled me to reach goals I'd previously believed impossible.  A passion for holistic health and wellness, and a desire to help others experience the same healing changes.  The incredible joy of being greeted daily by an unconditionally loving little dachshund (who's currently snoring on my lap, I might add.)

And the discoveries continue.  I've no doubt that 2011 holds changes of all kinds, some of which I probably can't guess right now.  However, when I imagine it's one year from today, the word I'd like to capture 2011 is perseverance.

Now that I've experienced these major transitions, I'm calling upon myself to persevere.  To do the work.  To show up for myself and the important people in my life on a daily basis.  To stay motivated in achieving the new possibilities I've created for myself.  To get ultra-clear about my career goals and what it will take to reach them.  To continue being present to my own needs.  The common thread throughout all this is the discipline to persevere.

What word encapsulates 2010 for you?  What word would you like to capture 2011?


Amanda said...

Love this!

Gretchen said...

You were the one who led me to Reverb 10. So excited to respond to the prompts!

Anonymous said...

not surprisingly, we had the same word for 2010 :) i am rather excited for todays prompt!

Unknown said...

i loooooved this post. i may have to come up with a word for 2011 now!


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