
Mupdate (a combination of "Monday" and "Update")

Happy (late) 4th of July everyone! I hope you had a wonderful holiday!

We spent the weekend in Annapolis at our new place! Even though the only real furniture we have at this point is a mattress and box spring, it was still great to spend some time there. I can't get over how quiet it is at night compared to DC, although it shouldn't be a surprise.

On Saturday, we went to Jason's grandma's house. We hung out on the dock and then feasted on crabs, potato salad, sandwiches, and more. I'm convinced that his grandma makes the best crabcakes in all of Maryland. It was quite delicious.

We spent the rest of the weekend getting stuff done: making trips to Bed, Bath & Beyond (to stock up on towels and such), Whole Foods (to fill the pantry), Home Depot (to order appliances and buy some plants), changing the locks and putting on a dead bolt, and ordering the rest of our furniture online (thanks CB2 and West Elm for having awesome stuff at reasonable prices!)

I have today off for the holiday (instead of Friday), so I'm hanging out at my apartment, packing and checking things off the to-do list. It's weird to pack up all the remnants of my life from the past two years. This was the first place where I lived alone with no roommates (which I strongly believe everyone should try at least once as there's no better way to get to know oneself) and the first that really felt like my own, so I'm getting a bit sentimental about leaving it.

Anyway, back to packing for me. I hope everyone's week is off to a good start!


Rachel said...

How exciting! I love getting a new apartment ready, but it can be slightly overwhelming (and a little expensive). Best of luck to you!

Anonymous said...

Yay on getting everything ready for the move. I do agree that it's important to live alone at some point in one's life - so very true!

Sarah said...

How exciting! From what you've described, Annapolis sounds really amazing :)
I lived alone in a studio before moving in with a roommate and while I love having her around, I miss the solitude that studio afforded me. I really did connect with myself during that time. I feel guilty sometimes for wanting that back! Haha.

green ink said...

How exciting. I loved Annapolis when I visited. Have you been to the Amish market there? It was amazing. I can still taste the peach french toast I had for breakfast there.

I agree it's important to live alone - I sort of managed it. I had a loft apartment in a house for a while - my landlords lived downstairs and I barely saw them. Solitude is good for the soul.

Good luck with all your moving plans! x

Analiese said...

Green Ink, I LOVE the Amish market! They have so many great things. I can't wait to go back. I've been thinking it'll be a good supplement to my regular grocery shopping.


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