
Thank you notes

Thank you legs and lungs for allowing me to run 3.5 miles with ease yesterday.

Thank you sun for setting so beautifully while I ran.

Thank you hair for the recent string of wild, curly and wonderful hair days.

Thank you Teaism chai for waking me up this morning.

Thank you autumn for the amazingly beautiful foliage all around me.

Thank you yoga, for clearing my mind and steadying my breath.

Thank you Jason for always making me laugh and for doing the dishes tonight. Oh, and for rubbing my feet.

Thank you weekend for arriving soon, so that we can go hiking here.

Thank you REI for having a wedding registry option.

Thank you Ellecubed for this beautiful list.

Thank you job for being stimulating, challenging, and enabling me to do lots and lots of writing.

Thank you universe for being so good to me and nudging me in the direction of my dreams.

Thank you chocolate. (For existing.)

Image via Flickr user Moominsean.


Lexington said...

I love your list of thank you notes. Thank you for your lovely mention of my Mondo Beyondo list.

Bendorf said...

This is great. I'm so excited for hiking to see some of the foliage!

Rachel said...

REI has a wedding registry!!? How AWESOME! and how awesome that you are registering there!!


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