For any new readers,Bloggers with Heart is a series of interviews with bloggers whose voices resonate with authenticity, sparkle, and soul. You can read past interviews here.
I am sure that some of you already know and adore this week's Blogger with Heart, the wonderful Melita of Gussying up the Tuttle. When I was just getting started with Tulips & Tea, Melita was one of the first readers to begin commenting regularly on my posts. As a newbie blogger, I was so encouraged by her kind words of support. I began to explore her blog as well, and found a genuine voice and truly sweet soul, brimming with wisdom and clarity on a variety of topics. It has been a joy to hear about her journey toward bliss (see question #5 below), and I am constantly inspired by her spirit and spark. I especially like her Monday Moments of Zen, which always provide a little lift to the beginning of my week! I have so enjoyed getting to know Melita and encourage you to do the same. She truly embodies a Blogger with Heart.

1. Why did you start blogging?
3. What do you think is the hardest thing about blogging?
right now the hardest part about blogging is finding the time. since i started massage therapy school and started my yoga teacher training in september i have been uber busy. it's a happy busy but i wish i had more time to write better posts.
6. Which bloggers inspire you?
ah, so many bloggers so little time! i have such a varied list of blogs that i love. but the blogs i visit most frequently are kimberly wilson, city girl lifestyle, kaileen elise, hang on little tomato, tulips and tea, dolce vita, everyday revelry, you and me and lucy, ellecubed, the analyst, dirty footprints studio and so many more!!
books: "hip tranquil chick" by kimberly wilson, "eat pray love" by elizabeth gilbert, "girl seeks bliss" by nicole beland, "all you need to be impossibly french" by helena frith powell, and "the art of happiness" by the dalai lama
movies: the wizard of oz, breakfast at tiffany's, fight club, sex and the city, american history x
albums: too many to list!!
foods: sushi, pineapples, mangoes, blueberries, chocolate
simple pleasures: yoga, getting a massage, a mug of hot tea, reading (books, blogs & magazines), naps
live in the moment
i started blogging as a creative outlet. i was working a job where i sat in my office doing the same thing over & over. i felt as though it was draining me. i felt the need for more. more inspiration, more creativity and more me!
2. What is the best thing about blogging?
the best part about blogging is without a doubt the fantastic community of online people i have met. there are so many creative and wonderful people out there and i am happy to say that i have met a few in person. i hope to one day meet everyone in person!3. What do you think is the hardest thing about blogging?
4. What does the blogging community mean to you?
the blogging community is such an inspiration to me. there are so many lovely and talented bloggers out there. everyone has been so supportive of me and my blog. 5. In the last year, you have shared with readers your decision to change your career path and pursue a life more closely aligned with your bliss. How has blogging and the blogging community affected this journey?
if you remember, it took me a while to reveal what i was referring to as "plan b." i am a processor. i need time to think things out and formulate plans. i also wanted to be sure of my plan before i announced it into the blogosphere. once my plan started to come together and i announced it on my blog everyone was so happy for me and encouraging. a lot of people who read my blog somehow knew that it was wellness related which made me really happy.
if you remember, it took me a while to reveal what i was referring to as "plan b." i am a processor. i need time to think things out and formulate plans. i also wanted to be sure of my plan before i announced it into the blogosphere. once my plan started to come together and i announced it on my blog everyone was so happy for me and encouraging. a lot of people who read my blog somehow knew that it was wellness related which made me really happy.
6. Which bloggers inspire you?
ah, so many bloggers so little time! i have such a varied list of blogs that i love. but the blogs i visit most frequently are kimberly wilson, city girl lifestyle, kaileen elise, hang on little tomato, tulips and tea, dolce vita, everyday revelry, you and me and lucy, ellecubed, the analyst, dirty footprints studio and so many more!!
7. What else is inspiring you right now?
i'm inspired every day to get up and go to class. i have honestly never been so excited to go to sleep so that tomorrow comes and i get to go to school and learn something new. i used to dread going to bed because i knew tomorrow would come so fast and i would be dreading the day ahead. 8. What advice would you give to someone just getting started as a blogger?
give it time. there is no rush to find your niche. even if you don't get a lot of comments in the beginning, people will catch on. a blog is something that others read but it's also for yourself. write what you want to read and i guarantee you others will as well.9. Five by five. Tell us your five favorite: books, movies, albums, foods, and simple pleasures in life.
movies: the wizard of oz, breakfast at tiffany's, fight club, sex and the city, american history x
albums: too many to list!!
foods: sushi, pineapples, mangoes, blueberries, chocolate
simple pleasures: yoga, getting a massage, a mug of hot tea, reading (books, blogs & magazines), naps
10. If you had the opportunity to create "the perfect space" for blogging and other creative pursuits, what would yours look like? (How would it be decorated, what objects would surround you, how would it sound, feel, smell, etc.?)
i have always dreamed about living in a loft in nyc. i would love to have old wooden floors and a beautiful color on the wall. there would be large windows so i could see the beautiful city and be inspired daily. i would have a desk, lots of bookcases, a huge comfy chair and chaise. i would have a fabulous space to leave my yoga mat rolled out so that i could do yoga at a moments notice. i would also have a private space for my massage table so that clients could come to my loft and be pampered and unwind. it would be very zen.11. In five words or less: what is the meaning of life?
melita mollohan is truly on a path of wellness and creativity. after struggling to find her place in this world, she knows that beyond a shadow of a doubt that she's on the right path. melita is a massage therapy student, taking reiki classes and in yoga teacher training. when melita is not in class, doing yoga, giving a massage, or blogging you can usually find her snuggled up with her two cats, dog and beloved boyfriend, savoring a mug of hot tea, taking a hike through nature or enjoying the company of friends and family. You can connect with Melita on twitter or Facebook.
Thanks, Melita, for sharing your thoughts with us and for blogging with heart!
another fabulous interview! love you both! :)
Love this series!! Melita is an absolute doll, and I'm so lucky to know her.
P.S. Thanks for the shout-out!
enjoyed the interview! Love love the sound of your perfect space, Melita.
Great interview! I love hearing the words of wisdom from Melita. It's always fun to read about the lives of bloggers in these interviews. It is as if they are breaking the 4th wall. Thanks for Melita and thanks for the interview Analiese Marie!
thank you so much for honoring me with this interview. ps - LOVE the new look of the blog! much love & hugs!!
Well don't forget the little people lol and to think I knew you when you were a little country girl lol. Guess all that nature did you good huh? Love you my best friend.
Great interview w/ Melita! Thanks for sharing.
What a great new blog to discover!
Melita is the best. She's so positive and inspiring. I hope to meet her someday :)
such a great interview! i truly enjoyed reading this! xo
this is so fabulous, melita. big congrats + i adore the photo of you with your tea mug. you are a *gorgeous* spirit. merci for the shout-out. so appreciated!
analiese, ADORE your new blog layout/images. very parisian, very chic, very inspiring.
happiest of 2010 to you both. xo
Love this! Melita you are so inspiring..I am so glad to have net you!!! Big Hugs!!
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