Strong coffee. Oversized mugs. That clean feeling in my lungs after a good run. Stretching. Reading the New York Times on Sunday morning. Art criticism. Family. Downloading new music to my iPod. Cooking. Baking. The sound and smell of onions and garlic sizzling in the pan. Pedicures. Massages. Yummy scented lotion after a shower. White wine. Microbrews. Frosty beer mugs fresh from the freezer. People with expressive eyes. Comfy blue jeans. Cozy sweaters. Espadrilles in the summer. Boots in the winter. Tights. Starry nights. Thunderstorms. Mango margaritas. Hors d'oeuvres. Yoga. Pretty dresses. Lip gloss. Anything and everything at Anthropologie. Excuses to get dressed up. Chopped salads. Cultural Anthropology. Art history. Food writing. Film. Cuddling with puppies. Road trips. Reading an engrossing book. Dinner parties. Best friends. Sunsets. Early-morning strolls while the city's still waking up. Biking. Being outdoors. Italy. Greece. Architecture. Top Chef. The Wire. Interior design. Travel. Buying loads of magazines to read on the airplane. Waking up in a new city. Hats and scarves. Cupcakes. Marzipan. Guacamole. Mexican food in general. Spicy tuna rolls. Miso soup. Modern art. Museums. Kind smiles. A teapot's whistle. Naturally wavy hair. Vintage t-shirts. Organic food. Flip-flops. Evolution. Satire. Dancing. Laughing. Hot showers. Townhouses. Fresh basil. Bruschetta. Garlic bread. Bike rides. Farmers' Markets. Dive bars. Bookstores. Thrift stores. Antique stores. Flea markets. Vintage jewelry. Fluffy down comforters. Learning new things. Weekends with friends. The mountains. Dangly earrings. Soundtracks. Tasting menus. Chicken noodle soup. Massages. Brunch. Exposed brick. Vaulted ceilings. Hardwood floors. Built-in bookshelves. Words. The drum circle at Meridian Hill Park. Supporting local businesses. Hiking. Linguistics. Well-crafted sentences. Gentlemen with old-fashioned manners. Philosophy. Intelligent banter. Pick-up trucks. Soft skin. Champagne. City lights. Skylines. Rooftop gardens. Falling in love. Joni Mitchell. Photography. The midwest. Periwinkle blue. Cobalt blue. Sage green. Chai lattes. Soy yerba mate. Cinammon sugar toast. Good listeners. Tulips. Steamed mussels in garlic broth. Garlic in general. Caprese Salad. Rock Band. When you can just hang out with someone and not have to talk. Proper grammar and correct punctuation. Finding the exact right word. Teaism. Scented soy candles. Retro style. Good hair days. Gchat. Hula Hoops. Tulips. Waterfalls. Thunder. Picnics. Original thinkers. Independence. Regina Spektor. Almond cake with buttercream frosting. Potstickers. Fiji water. Puppies. Essay anthologies. Pop culture. Public transportation. Live Music. Sepia tones. Horn-rimmed glasses. Mid-century modernism. Pink roses. Wool socks. Naps. Annapolis. Being near the water. Crabbing and boating on hot summer days. The city at night. Taking a long hot bath after a run. Food spicy enough to make your nose run. Old friends. Spending the day in bed watching old movies. New media. Orchids. Calla lilies. Getting flowers. Giving flowers. Board games. Organizing. Multi-vitamins. Ciao Bella Sorbetto. Green tea ice cream. Tulips. Seared scallops. Horn-rimmed glasses. Love.
My sister added some ideas to this list.
What things comfort you, calm you, inspire you, delight you, and make your heart go pitter-patter?
Photo by James Carriere via his website.
Augh what a gorgeous post. A few things I love...
any and everything pink, the smell of Fall/Winter in the air, crackling fires, my mom's touch, old books, snuggling with my pup Lola :)
This post is incredible... I still kept it unread in my reader cause i want to return to it. You inspire me!
OK, love your list...but Mother Jones just ran a great piece on sketchy Fiji Water. Check it out! (For some reason, I can't paste the link.)
Oh dear...I will definitely check out the piece in Mother Jones! Thanks for letting me know!
Teaism! Almond cake with buttercream frosting! Cinnamon sugar toast! Fluffy down comforters! Are you my twin?! :)
I think I'll read this again and again xx
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