
The ones that get away

This evening, before yoga class, I struck up a conversation with a fellow yogi on the mat next to me. She looked familiar, and we realized that we knew each other from GW, where we'd taken the same self-defense as an elective class the first semester of our freshman year. We'd never talked very much at GW, but tonight we started talking about various things that had happened in our lives since freshman year. It started out as chit chat, but we were soon engaged in fairly animated conversation, laughing and trading anecdotes even as the opening meditation began. Even in the short time we talked, it became apparent that we had a lot in common and had a similar outlook on life. As silly as it sounds, I felt like I could've talked to her forever, and I found myself thinking whoa...we could potentially become really good friends. You know that feeling you get when you just click with someone? Definitely there. Except...it turns out she's moving to Maine at the end of the summer to attend law school.

It seems slightly ridiculous to feel sad over this. I just met the girl, after all. But for 15 minutes there, I was genuinely excited about the possibility of forming a friendship with her and it felt like a loss to find out that most likely won't happen. I've experienced the same feeling at various times throughout my life. That feeling that I would really enjoy getting to know someone better - that they may even be a kindred spirit. But, for whatever reason (timing, geography, etc.), it just doesn't seem like it'll work out.

Has this ever happened to you?

Photo by Flickr user ryanmcginnisphoto.


Melita said...

well, at least you can stay connected. who knows when you'll be in the same location in the future. that's really cool that you ran into her again. and just because she's physically moving away doesn't always indicate the end of a friendship, sometimes it can bring you closer... just a thought. i hope you guys continue to grow as friends no matter what the distance between you. :)

Analiese said...

Thanks for the positive thoughts, Melita. I didn't mean to sound so pessimistic. ITs definitely possible that we'll keep in touch. It just seems hard given that she'll be moving away before we'll really have a chance to spend much time together in person. You're right though! I have blogger friends in all kinds of places, after all! :-)

joshua said...
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E said...

I have this same thing with a girl at my work, I've only been there two months and we get along fantastically, but she's moving to the other end of the country in a months time. It's so disappointing, good friends are hard to find.

Great blog :)

Analiese said...

Thanks, Elise! :-)

Melita said...

i know it wasn't the friendship you were hoping for but ya never know...something even better may come of it. you know what they say - there is a reason for everything. :)

i've discussed it with other fellow bloggers and we all have come to the conclusion of it being hard to make new friends. people are either too busy or don't seem to care. so i feel bad for you as you've just found someone that you could hang out with that is moving away.

Analiese said...

Good friends are hard to come by. Don't feel too bad for me though, as I've got some really wonderful friends who I love dearly and I am extremely grateful for!

The Depressed Yogi said...

Augh, doll, this happens to me ALL the time! Especially as i get older and seek deeper friendships. Le sigh. C'est la vie, non?

Analiese said...

Indeed, Carolyn, c'est la vie. :-)

Unknown said...

It happens to me too - but sometimes life surprises you and those people actually do become very good friends :)


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